If you made your initial membership purchase less than 30 days ago, yes. Please email support@playgroundsessions.com to make arrangements for the upgrade. Be sure to include your account email address and/or site order #, as well as how many memberships you would like to add. This 30 day grace period aligns with our basic refund policy on all memberships. In this case, the "refund" is directly applied to your new purchase in the form of a credit, in an effort to limit the number of total transactions.
Please note that the difference in price will be calculated based on the current prices listed on our website. If a promotional period has expired before you inquire about the upgrade, you will not be eligible for the previous sale price.
If you made your initial membership purchase more than 30 days ago, no. In this case, the cost of a previously purchased subscription/plan cannot be applied towards a family plan (or larger family plan) purchase. To add on additional accounts, simply visit our Family Plan page and purchase the appropriate number of additional memberships you would like.
The same policy applies whether you are upgrading from a single membership or an existing family plan. Please email support@playgroundsessions.com if you have any further questions.
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